...the one that disappeared when firefox crashed. anyway. It's
open source! how could that happen... well, I'm a user of
pd I know about that (& Max/MSP - which does a good job of dying badly on occasion). Well, my old G4 powerbook is heading for retirement I think & the AMD linux box which was largely a generous gift of parts from
stegasaurus is
just...fast enough to render movies using the pdp video extensions (hmmm, time to build a custom kernel maybe). Great! I've discovered a rich seam of video/audio stuff that is continually inspiring but pretty quickly exceeds the capabilities of both hardware & software I have to work with. Not that I'm grudgeful.
This is one limitation (sheer CPU speed) I've never bumped into before so that's interesting in itself - old-school ProTools users may remember things like
virtual tracks - ways of putting components of your work on hold, so you can keep working & render your stuff on faster equipment.
I rendered my initial cut of
extruded snow from a pd/
pdp video patch on linux, sending values to Max/MSP on the Mac to create the synchronised audio. Then doing the final thing on iMovie under OSX
I have learned so much about dealing with buggy output files (pdp creates .mov files that QuickTime 7.x cannot read -
VLC to the rescue!) & I know that I'm using software for things it was never intended to do.
Reminds in a way of creating electroacoustic music in analogue studios that were built & wired for stereo radio production. Just remember that everything must be re-plugged so that it works for the next user...(because I'm nice that way - not like
some people).
The law of the workaround: things may look hopeless but there's always a solution. However, it may involve borrowing cables from the next room & your sanity may not survive the process.