Tuesday, December 22, 2009

catfingers at Final Failure

(pic by Shannon O'Neill I think)

Don't Look gallery is closing. Thus the 'final failure' festival was run over the first weekend in December. I was very nearly the last act on Sunday night but everyone was surprised by an impromtu set by Wun Thong.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

gig at Don't Look Sunday 23 August

that's gear belonging to Panoptique Electrical in the background. I opened for them.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Since I am working up Max patches to control MIDI gear right now. I figured it was time to get a sideline in simple standalone devices working. Based upon http://ruinwesen.com/mididuino, a Hong Kong assembled duemilanove & LCD/encoders from eBay - plus the hard work of many other people...

The point being - last gig I reduced my need to look at the computer screen & I worked on the rotary controller & kaosspad. The next gig will cut back on this even more. Heading towards a box that translates input data from one thing to another and/or outputs data I've stored in there beforehand.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

hmm, I may have gone a bit overboard with the MIDI controllers. Some of these are up on ebay right now!!Add Video

Sunday, March 22, 2009

SoundLAB 6

a work from 2006-7 mfv appears in the soundpool http://soundlab.newmediafest.org/blog/

Thursday, January 29, 2009

RPM again

Nearly time for RPM again. The album title for this year is: sketchrock. I even found a couple of (somewhat dated) terms for what I want to do: microhouse & clickhop. But really - the kinds of techniques I remember using in the mid-80's (tape loops & mixing). I don't even want to really use a computer much for this one.