Sunday, July 29, 2007

iMovie HD PAL as your default project format

Problem iMovie HD (iMovie 6) creates new projects in NTSC format.

Solution You need to change the default project format - which is buried in a text file inside the Application Bundle:

Easiest: right-click or command-click the iMovie icon inside the Applications folder & choose to show package contents. In the new Finder window that opens, navigate into Contents/ Resources/English.lproj and you will find a file called Localizable.strings. Edit this file in TextEdit & change the line defaultVideoFormat = "DV-NTSC"; to defaultVideoFormat = "DV-PAL";

Quicker: startup & open /Applications/iMovie/Contents/ Resources/ English.lproj/Localizable.strings in vi. find the same line, change it as above & save...Well, not really all that geeky really.

Discussion This is documented in only a couple of places on the net so it could do with a few more locations to improve search results spread. Apparently, if you have your DV camera plugged in before starting iMovie, a new project will default to the format supported by the camera.


Anonymous said...


thanks for posting this!

Unknown said...


Morgan Monroe said...

what about idvd? it doesnt have localiser whatever

Davep said...

After i did this the 'Create' button disappears. Any ideas why?